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Kindergarteners focus on forming strong, trusting relationships built upon compromise, courtesy, and inclusivity. Through guided explorations, students practice expressing their thoughts, reasoning, and feelings constructively while also respecting the thoughts, reasoning, and feelings of others. Through interactive learning structures and SEL stories, students discern appropriate self-management techniques and explore how to make responsible choices for themselves and the school community at large. Kindergarten instruction lays the foundation for students to work well with others across differences and, specifically, to make intentional choices about their thoughts and behaviors. In shaping their understanding of community, they take steps toward becoming a positive, engaged presence in their classroom.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 1. Welcomes or invites others to join in |
C.1.1 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 1. Shows characteristics of a good team player |
C.2.1 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 1. Compromises to play together |
C.3.1 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 1. Participates well as a member of the group |
C.4.1 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 1. Independently recognizes when others need help |
C.5.1 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 1. Expresses emotions of anger, frustration, and sadness without hurting others |
A.1.1 |
2. Able to seek help. | 1. Accepts help to learn to be independent |
A.2.1 |
3. Demonstrates openness and honesty. | 1. Freely shares ideas with others |
A.3.1 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 1. Shows patience with oneself when learning something new |
A.4.1 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 1. Offers help to others in need |
A.5.1 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 1. Can tell the difference between behaviors that lead to positive consequences and those that lead to negative consequences |
A.6.1 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 1. Recognizes the difference between fair and unfair treatment of others and chooses fairness |
R.1.1 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 1. When asked, admits one made a mistake or intentionally did something one should not have |
R.2.1 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 1. Works and plays well with others |
R.3.1 |
4. Takes care of property. | 1. Puts things in their proper place after using them |
R.4.1 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 1. Understands the purpose of emotions |
E.1.1 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 1. Accepts people who are visibly different from oneself |
E.2.1 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 1. Recognizes culture as a term that can be used in a variety of ways, and for a variety of purposes |
E.3.1 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 1. Understands the importance of being polite and kind |
E.4.1 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 1. Understands and can verbalize the standards for behavior in a given situation |
S.1.1 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 1. Aware of how thoughts and inner dialogue can shape behaviors and interactions with others |
S.2.1 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 1. Can wait one's turn in routine activities and in play |
S.3.1 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 1. Maintains interest in a task or activity after a few failures |
S.4.1 |
First graders practice working with others while also building a strong and resilient sense of self. Through guided journal prompts and creative group activities, students learn to foster active listening skills and develop an understanding of actions and consequences. They use scenario cards and group sharing to strengthen their ability to articulate how they make decisions and hold themselves accountable for any consequences that may arise. As students continue refining their identities, their ability to pick up on social norms and manage their behaviors without external motivation increases. First grade instruction helps students sharpen their focus on the classroom community more broadly, giving them the tools to develop situational awareness and the personal accountability necessary for SEL skill development and cognitive growth.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 2. Takes turns |
C.1.2 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 2. Compromises to work together |
C.2.2 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 2. Accepts waiting one's turn |
C.3.2 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 4. Understands that there is a purpose to roles within the group |
C.4.4 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 2. Helps others with prompting and guidance |
C.5.2 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 2. Can tell why one feels fear, anger, sadness, mistrust, and disgust |
A.1.2 |
2. Able to seek help. | 2. Can recognize situations when there is a need to ask for help |
A.2.2 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 2. Can explain reasons for one's actions |
A.3.2 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 3. Speaks positively about oneself when faced with a challenge |
A.4.3 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 4. Shows awareness of what’s right and fair |
A.5.4 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 2. Able to say no to things with negative consequences |
A.6.2 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 2. Accepts assigned responsibilities without sulking |
R.1.2 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 3. Can apologize, without prompting, when a mistake or poor decision has been made |
R.2.3 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 4. Aware that an individual’s actions can contribute to sustaining, improving, or diminishing the quality of life in the community |
R.3.4 |
4. Takes care of property. | 4. Routinely keeps track of personal items |
R.4.4 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 2. Can identify joy, sadness, and anger in oneself |
E.1.2 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 3. Proactively includes others who are similar to and different from oneself |
E.2.3 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 2. Sees the importance of celebrations or cultural events for one's family or communities |
E.3.2 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 3. Listens and waits one's turn to speak |
E.4.3 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 2. Works to bring behavior or social interactions in line with known standards |
S.1.2 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 2. Can recognize when a specific thought or feeling has become an earworm |
S.2.2 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 3. Recognizes urges to behave in a silly, distracting, or socially unacceptable way |
S.3.3 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 2. Able to use wonder and curiosity as tools for staying engaged in challenging work |
S.4.2 |
Second graders learn to account for the thoughts, experiences, and emotions of others with the same level of consideration they give to their own thoughts, experiences, and emotions. Through vocabulary posters and interactive learning structures, they extend their practice of active listening to include respectful disagreement and taking the initiative to resolve differences. While students can increasingly define and articulate their personal opinions, they use reflective journal prompts to practice expanding their capacity for open, honest, and flexible collaboration across a wide variety of differences. With little prompting, they are able to hold themselves accountable for their behaviors and begin considering how to make better choices in the future. Second grade students not only possess a well-developed understanding of how their actions impact others, but they will strive to make choices that foster a positive, inclusive community.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 3. Not mean when interacting with others |
C.1.3 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 3. Recognizes when group goal is worthy of being prioritized over dislike for tasks needed to reach the goal |
C.2.3 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 3. Willing to independently resolve conflicts with peers |
C.3.3 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 7. Willing to change roles in the group |
C.4.7 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 3. Helps with less desirable tasks and activities when asked |
C.5.3 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 3. Listens to the ideas and opinions of others despite strong emotions |
A.1.3 |
2. Able to seek help. | 3. Willing to seek help and advocacy from adults |
A.2.3 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 4. Can recognize the value in being open and honest with others |
A.3.4 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 4. Can see positive possibilities when faced with a challenge or disappointment |
A.4.4 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 5. Able to connect morally right choices to specific outcomes |
A.5.5 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 3. Able to take the initiative to work toward a positive outcome |
A.6.3 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1 Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 3. Able to identify how one's actions may affect oneself and others |
R.1.3 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 4. Avoids blaming others for their actions or behaviors in order to avoid consequences |
R.2.4 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 5. Aware that there are institutions whose purpose is to serve the good of all people in the community |
R.3.5 |
4. Takes care of property. | 6. Recognizes the consequences of not caring for or misplacing personal belongings and can act more responsibly the next time |
R.4.6 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 4. Recognizes that feelings of disgust are a signal that something is wrong |
E.1.4 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 4. Accepts that people with experiences different from them are still equal to them |
E.2.4 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 3. Aware that there are celebrations or cultural events |
E.3.3 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 4. Typically displays unselfish behavior |
E.4.4 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 3. Aligns behavior or social interactions to known expectations or social standards for a given situation |
S.1.3 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 3. Exhibits ability to stop self from dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings |
S.2.3 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 4. Can make the connection between socially unacceptable behaviors and their impact on oneself and others |
S.3.4 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 4. Demonstrates a belief that doing one’s best will lead to success |
S.4.4 |
Third graders focus on teamwork and honest, effective communication. As they explore persistence and resilience through SEL stories and self-reflection, students learn how to do their part to make their classroom a collaborative, creative environment. They practice using hopeful thinking and making behavioral choices that set them up for success through more independent activities and interactive learning structures aimed at strengthening students’ sense of self. Making wise online choices is introduced, and students explore how to act responsibly online through creative, interactive activities that allow them to examine how their online behaviors can impact their lives offline.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 4. Able to expand friendships outside of established ones |
C.1.4 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 6. Accepts group failure without blaming others |
C.2.6 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 4. Willing to reach mutually agreeable solutions through conversation |
C.3.4 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 10. Participates well as a member of the group regardless of one's role |
C.4.10 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 4. Recognizes how completing some tasks can positively affect classroom peers |
C.5.4 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 4. Can identify stress in oneself |
A.1.4 |
2. Able to seek help. | 4. Unafraid to ask for help with learning |
A.2.4 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 5. Tells the truth when asked to explain their actions |
A.3.5 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 5. Completes work from start to finish without giving up |
A.4.5 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 6. When faced with a choice, makes the morally right decision |
A.5.6 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 4. Avoids speaking or acting in ways that can be hurtful to others |
A.6.4 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 4. Sets own reminders to honor responsibilities or meet expectations |
R.1.4 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 5. Does not justify one's wrongful actions based on the wrongful actions of others |
R.2.5 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 7. Aware that communicating with online strangers can lead to real-life dangers |
R.3.7 |
4. Takes care of property. | 8. Understands that damaging property is disrespectful and harms the whole community |
R.4.8 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 5. Makes the connection between anticipation with anxiety and feeling stressed |
E.1.5 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 5. Values the points of view of others |
E.2.5 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 4. Recognizes that differences in cultural norms do not lessen the value of people from those cultures |
E.3.4 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 7. Listens carefully to others |
E.4.7 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 4. Understands and can explain why the social, behavioral, or moral standards in a given situation are important to follow |
S.1.4 |
2 Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 4. Puts in the effort to remain calm and focused when handling strong emotions or uncomfortable feelings |
S.2.4 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 5. Identifies the value of delayed gratification |
S.3.5 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 6. Uses hopeful thinking as a motivator for successfully completing challenging tasks |
S.4.6 |
Fourth graders deepen their ability to consider others’ perspectives as they begin exploring the notion of culture and how it impacts their own and others’ communication styles. This opens the door to understanding how our cultural norms and expectations can impact the way our words and actions are received, especially by someone whose culture is unlike our own. Students use interactive posters and group activities to practice making intentional, appropriate choices and show respect in a variety of circumstances. Additionally, they use SEL stories and interactive learning structures to explore the implications of bullying both online and off, deepening their emotional intelligence and ability to empathize with others. Fourth grade students become more focused, self-aware learners who understand how to be a positive presence in their classroom and community.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 5. Puts others first when appropriate |
C.1.5 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 7. Displays sportsmanship in competition |
C.2.7 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 5. Uses conflict resolution techniques to independently resolve conflict with peers |
C.3.5 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 12. Effectively communicates with all members of the group |
C.4.12 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 5. Sees the benefit to helping others outside the classroom |
C.5.5 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 5. Able to express oneself in difficult or stressful moments |
A.1.5 |
2. Able to seek help. | 6. Asks for help even if feeling embarrassed or ashamed |
A.2.6 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 6. Admits mistakes and missteps |
A.3.6 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 6. Accepts failure as a part of learning |
A.4.6 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 7. Tries different approaches when things don’t go as expected |
A.5.7 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 6. Can recognize when decisions are negatively influencing peers or making them uncomfortable |
A.6.6 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 6. Makes choices demonstrating that safety is important for oneself and others |
R.1.6 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 8. Can apologize for harm done to others |
R.2.8 |
3 Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 9. Recognizes that cyberbullying can be as hurtful as in-person bullying |
R.3.9 |
4 Takes care of property. | 9. Can explain the expectations of community service agents (police, firefighters, etc.) to help protect property |
R.4.9 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 6. Recognizes fear, trust, and mistrust in others through verbal and nonverbal cues |
E.1.6 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 6. Can see from and understand the perspective of someone who is different from oneself |
E.2.6 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 5. Recognizes that differences in culture can create differences in verbal and nonverbal communication |
E.3.5 |
4. Aware of the impact of their actions on others. | 9. Avoids activities such as gossiping that can hurt others |
E.4.9 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 5. Able to distinguish between emotions of fear, mistrust, anger, and disgust created from the social environment and those created internally. |
S.1.5 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 5. Can use strategies to prevent obsessive or habitual thoughts and feelings from derailing behavior |
S.2.5 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 6. Can positively distract oneself in order to improve ability to wait for a desired thing |
S.3.6 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 8. Can see how belief in one’s own ability to achieve a hope or goal is connected to one’s likelihood to achieve it |
S.4.8 |
Fifth graders use the compromise, courtesy, and inclusion skills they’ve been steadily building in grades K–4 to explore the characteristics of healthy relationships. A crucial aspect of this exploration involves building students’ understanding of how our environment informs our opinions and behaviors, which allows them to examine their own opinions and practice respecting others’ opinions. Through role-playing and group activities, they explore how to express big emotions and navigate disagreements while remaining respectful and curious about other people’s perspectives. Similarly, they expand their understanding of respect to include property and practice demonstrating how to treat other people’s things with care. As fifth grade students engage with SEL stories and interactive learning structures, they practice articulating their vision for a bright future and explore how to achieve that vision through multiple avenues.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 7. Able to identify the characteristics of healthy friendships |
C.1.7 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 9. Able to identify one's strengths and how they connect to the group task |
C.2.9 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 6. Uses conflict resolution techniques to resolve problems that involves the whole class |
C.3.6 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 13. Listens to understand rather than to respond |
C.4.13 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 6. Helps others without expecting something in return |
C.5.6 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 6. Able to get along with others even when one is disagreed with |
A.1.6 |
2. Able to seek help. | 7. Seeks help when unable to resolve conflict with peers |
A.2.7 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 7. Can explore how opinions are shaped |
A.3.7 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 8. Does not quit after failing to meet a goal |
A.4.8 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 8. Can advocate on behalf of oneself with peers or adults |
A.5.8 |
6. Makes choices they feel good about later. | 7. Makes decisions independent of peer influence |
A.6.7 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 7. Recognizes and avoids situations that can harm oneself and others |
R.1.7 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 9. Understands what is required to fulfill one's responsibilities and commitments |
R.2.9 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 12. Avoids spreading gossip or negative images online |
R.3.12 |
4. Takes care of property. | 11. Respects the rights of ownership; doesn’t steal, trespass on, or damage other people’s property |
R.4.11 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 8. Acknowledges that external conditions can impact emotions or behaviors |
E.1.8 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 7. Recognizes that behaviors intended to hurt or shame others who are different can evoke feelings of disgust |
E.2.7 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 6. Can see how belonging to more than one cultural group can cause internal conflict and tension |
E.3.6 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 11. Extends efforts toward the needs of others for the greater good |
E.4.11 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 6. Able to express anger in a way that maintains a successful trajectory |
S.1.6 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 6. Puts in effort to calm or cheer oneself |
S.2.6 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 7. Able to remove oneself from temptations that would derail one’s success |
S.3.7 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 9. Willingly sets or accepts goals that require effort to achieve |
S.4.9 |
Sixth graders practice taking initiative to care for themselves and reach their goals by strengthening their ability to self-manage their emotions. Their social circles are likely expanding, and they use journal prompts and group activities to practice supporting their classmates and friends in social, emotional, and academic ways. As they navigate increasingly complex social situations, they explore the characteristics of healthy relationships through SEL stories and role-play setting boundaries. They also work on respecting both the boundaries they set for themselves and the boundaries set by others while remaining kind and understanding. Students use interactive learning structures to examine how their current actions will shape their future, sharpening their ability to make positive, constructive choices. They become proficient at making choices that not only uphold a strong reputation but also contribute positively to their school and community.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 8. Understands the ups and downs that come with maintaining a friendship |
C.1.8 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 10. Motivated to do one's part when completing a group task |
C.2.10 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 7. Acts as a mediator to diffuse conflicts between peers |
C.3.7 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 14. Knows how to use humor appropriately |
C.4.14 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 7. Knows how much help to offer in a specific situation |
C.5.7 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 7. Recognizes the need for and sets firm boundaries for oneself and others |
A.1.7 |
2. Able to seek help. | 8. Seeks help with matters important to one's overall well-being |
A.2.8 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 9. Can form an opinion while being open to the perspective of others |
A.3.9 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 10. Resists labeling oneself as a failure because of past actions or opinions of others |
A.4.10 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 10. Can understand how one's mistakes produce specific outcomes |
A.5.10 |
6. Makes choices they feel good about later. | 9. Able to connect specific behaviors to negative consequences |
A.6.9 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 8. Aware of internal conflicts that occur when choosing from two desirable options |
R.1.8 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 10. Recognizes a situation where they will not meet expectations and seeks to resolve it before it becomes a problem |
R.2.10 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 13. Maintains and protects digital reputation |
R.3.13 |
4. Takes care of property. | 12. Recognizes when an area has been neglected and the causes of the neglect |
R.4.12 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 9. Manages strong emotions to avoid hurting oneself or others |
E.1.9 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 8. Respects people who are different from what is typical and customary for oneself |
E.2.8 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 7. Understands why an individual has a responsibility to honor one's cultural norms |
E.3.7 |
4. Aware of the impact of their actions on others. | 12. Shows appreciation for a kindness extended to oneself |
E.4.12 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 7. Can determine when being successful in a specific situation requires a shift in behavior or social activity |
S.1.7 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 7. Can typically refocus negative feelings toward a positive purpose |
S.2.7 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 8. Can use self-talk to build stamina for controlling impulses or waiting |
S.3.8 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 11. Connects achieving a goal to one's personal efforts and abilities |
S.4.11 |
Seventh graders explore the nuances of communication by practicing when to listen, how to respond directly and honestly, and how to remain open to new ideas. Partner chats and interactive learning structures help them practice listening to what everyone has to say, as well as develop the ability to analyze and defend their positions on a topic. Through active listening in conversations with peers and self-reflection, students elevate their ability to show compassion for others as they examine the implications that cultural diversity has on their own and others’ worldviews. They continue to explore their role in social situations and come to understand themselves as agents of change. Seventh grade students are able to internally guide themselves onto a constructive path and make complex choices that benefit themselves and others.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 9. Behaves respectfully toward all peers |
C.1.9 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 11. Puts in same effort for group success as for individual success |
C.2.11 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 8. Knows when to seek adult help to resolve conflicts with others |
C.3.8 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 16. Recognizes when to contribute to a conversation and when to just listen |
C.4.16 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 9. Recognizes how opportunities to help others relates to one’s personal interest |
C.5.9 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 8. Listens to opposing opinions of others openly |
A.1.8 |
2. Able to seek help. | 9. Seeks help to remove barriers to personal goals |
A.2.9 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 10. Expresses opinions even when feeling left out or unheard |
A.3.10 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 12. Sees failure as a part of the growth process |
A.4.12 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 11. Can name one's strengths and weaknesses |
A.5.11 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 10. Able to say no to temptations with long-term negative consequences |
A.6.10 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 10. Understands how personal choices have an impact on consequences |
R.1.10 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 11. Recognizes passive-aggressive behaviors in themselves |
R.2.11 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 16. Avoids using hate speech and angry or vulgar words in one's online communication |
R.3.16 |
4. Takes care of property. | 14. Considers the feelings of others when handling or using one's property or belongings |
R.4.14 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 10. Shows compassion for peers who are dealing with a range of emotions. |
E.1.10 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 11. Understands how culture affects behavior and attitudes |
E.2.11 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 9. Respects cultural norms of people with whom one is interacting |
E.3.9 |
4. Aware of the impact of one's actions on others. | 13. Sees oneself as a potential agent of change for good in the world |
E.4.13 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 9. Can take and logically defend a position on why and when social, behavioral, or moral standards in a given situation are important to follow |
S.1.9 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 8. Can use strategies to reduce internal and interpersonal conflicts that rise from feelings of fear, mistrust, anger, and disgust |
S.2.8 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 10. Uses fun and social connection to improve ability to wait for a desired thing |
S.3.10 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 15. Examines progress on a task or activity to decide what to do in order to be successful |
S.4.15 |
Eighth graders work on clarifying their beliefs, ideas, and opinions while strengthening their ability to successfully collaborate across differences. Building upon the work they have done to develop a strong and positive sense of self, students learn to incorporate constructive criticism in their thinking while expressing disagreement from a logical standpoint through peer debates, role plays, and self-reflection. With an emphasis on how the present shapes the future, they practice making long-term plans and anticipate how to use challenge as a tool for growth as they visualize and create action steps for their goals. In cultivating this future-facing perspective, eighth grade students are able to remain committed to their friendships, projects, and goals through a variety of changing and challenging circumstances. They have a robust sense of self and a clear understanding of how they fit into their classroom and community, making them both independent and collaborative learners with a optimistic, resilient perspective.
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Able to make and keep friends. | 10. Accepts constructive criticism from peers |
C.1.10 |
2. Works with others toward a common goal. | 14. Works with others on a shared goal even when one disagrees on other matters |
C.2.14 |
3. Resolves differences quickly. | 9. Willing to reach a compromise when conflicts arise with an individual |
C.3.9 |
4. Cooperates as a group leader or a member of the group. | 17. Can problem-solve for oneself or others to move the group forward |
C.4.17 |
5. Exhibits helpfulness. | 10. Extends altruistic intentions to global or societal issues |
C.5.10 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Expresses strong emotions and opinions effectively. | 9. Able to disagree with an adult logically, passionately, and respectfully |
A.1.9 |
2. Able to seek help. | 10. Seeks help with plans for the future |
A.2.10 |
3. Shows openness and honesty. | 12. Diplomatically shares ideas and opinions on controversial issues |
A.3.11 |
4. Persists through challenging events. | 13. Connects the idea of challenge to growth |
A.4.13 |
5. Takes the initiative to do what is right, fair, and just. | 14. Able to take the initiative to have a positive effect on societal inequalities |
A.5.14 |
6. Makes choices one feels good about later. | 11. Able to make choices that foster personal pride |
A.6.11 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome. | 11. Can resolve internal conflicts that come with making the best choice |
R.1.11 |
2. Holds oneself accountable. | 14. Honors words, commitments, and responsibilities even when doing so requires a personal sacrifice |
R.2.14 |
3. Demonstrates social, civic, and digital responsibility. | 21. Can distinguish between posts that harm an online reputation and posts that do not |
R.3.21 |
4. Takes care of property. | 16. Takes care of property in school, out of school, and in the community |
R.4.16 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Recognizes and manages one's own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others. | 11. Recognizes emotional triggers |
E.1.11 |
2. Respects and values diversity in others. | 12. Recognizes that culture shapes personal perspective and identity |
E.2.12 |
3. Respects differing cultural norms. | 11. Able to maintain a positive personal identity despite potentially negative stereotypes of culture or group identity |
E.3.11 |
4. Aware of the impact of their actions on others. | 16. Forgives and avoids holding grudges |
E.4.16 |
Standards | Skills | Code |
1. Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards. | 10. Responds to surprise or change in a focused and interested manner |
S.1.10 |
2. Manages overwhelming thoughts or emotions. | 9. Can break the loop of obsessive thoughts before they lead to an undesirable emotional or behavioral outcome |
S.2.9 |
3. Controls impulses and delays gratification. | 12. Can typically use knowledge of oneself to prevent temptations, impulses, and urges from blocking achievement of a goal |
S.3.12 |
4. Shows hope and perseverance. | 17. Considers and selects alternative ways to succeed at a challenging task or activity |
S.4.17 |