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The C-SETI is a grade-level inventory that is used by the teacher to identify the social and emotional type for their classroom at the end of teaching the curriculum. The C-SETI is prioritized as a classroom type because we trust teachers’ abilities to provide a summary snapshot of the observable behaviors that characterize their classroom, and we don’t intend to add an additional individual assessment to teachers’ already full schedules. While the C-SETI can be used to get a typology of a single student, we recommend that it be used for that reason only in certain cases as agreed upon by the principal and teacher.
In instances where a summary observation cannot be made because including one or more students would substantially tilt the results, the teacher will be able to complete a separate typology for that student(s) to avoid skewing the summary typology typical of the classroom.
We anticipate that the C-SETI will be a useful tool for teachers in making instructional decisions and supporting students as they transition from one grade to the other. Once completed, the report can be downloaded and shared with the teacher to whom students will be transitioning in the next grade.