The National Assessment Governing Board, the independent, nonpartisan board that sets policy for the
Nation’s Report Card (NAEP)
, recently released the results from the 2024 assessment for 4th and 8th graders. As compared to the 2022 assessment results, the 2024 results showed:

1. Increase in the average scores in mathematics for 4th grade; but no significant change at grade 8;

2. Average scores declined in reading at both grades;

3. Average scores for both subjects and grades in most states remained unchanged from 2022 to 2024.

4. Lower percentages of students were absent 5 or more days in both subjects and grades.

We recognize these results are a clarion call to continue the work of creating optimal learning conditions where all students demonstrate continuous and steady growth in their math and reading learning outcomes. At the same time, we acknowledge the progress that educators have made post-COVID by implementing research- and evidence-backed practices, approaches, and instruction to improve reading and math outcomes.

Implementing student-centered social-emotional teaching and discipline practices coupled with a high-quality social-emotional curriculum for explicit instruction is essential to teaching students the competencies, skills and behaviors that contribute to success in learning, play, communication and relationships at school and beyond are the cornerstone for helping students achieve their reading and math learning goals.

Center for Responsive Schools, through its programs Responsive Classroom and Fly Five, partners with schools and districts to ensure all educators and educational stakeholders have access to the social-emotional professional development, curriculum, resources, tools, and support systems necessary for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competence aligned to their educational goals.


Dr. Lora Hodges
President and Chief Executive Officer
Center for Responsive Schools